Makes the target more agreeable and is more susceptible to being charmed. The Tavern Drake has access to an array of magic that affects emotions. Avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions.

Some are quite beloved and treated like family heirlooms.Ĭhaotic Neutral - values their liberty but doesn’t strive to protect others' freedom. A more devious Drake may resort to blackmail, usually to secure a comfortable spot in their chosen tavern. Perched in hiding places throughout busy taverns, they overhear many stories and often trade-in information, making them excellent sources for news about town. In the former, they are often troublemakers or pranksters, but in the later, they usually befriend the proprietor and help manage flared tempers and weepy drinkers in return for living space and a generous tab. Tavern Drakes make their homes in cities and towns, thought older Drakes settle in roadside inns. A bane or saviour to innkeepers and tavern owners, Tavern Drakes, enjoy pushing patrons’ emotions, driving crowds to ecstatic cheers or bloody bar fights. Tavern Drakes squat in busy Taverns and Inns. Apart from the few that choose to live among us, it’s hard to know exactly how many are in the wild. Tavern Drakes are a social creature and decided to engage with other races.

Uncommon, like their Draconem ancestors, the Tavern Drake is a rare sight. Many link their roots to that of the Draconem. No one is sure on the origin of Tavern Drakes. The Drake paused and stared at me, then he spoke, asking me to mind my own business.” - Bartholomew Horingglow, Bestiarum Vocabulum, Aether, Vol XI. I turned back to the innkeeper as I did a small, plump Drake now sat on the bar, it’s head in a pint mug, guzzling Ale. As they did, the minstrel carried on playing the flute. Putting down their improvised weapons and returning to their drinks. I looked over to the two groups they looked just as perplexed. It was an odd sensation like I’d forgot why I was excited. However, a strange sensation filled the room the Inn Keeper simply smiled and winked at me. I got excited at the thought of these two groups redecorating the walls with blood and broken teeth. Things were getting heated chairs had been picked up and brandished as weapons. From what I could piece together, someone had bedded the wife of a man from the other group. A group of men at one end of the common room had started shouting threats and curses to a now enraged, similar group on the other side. The minstrel stopped playing his flute and recounting his stories. “The once cheery atmosphere of the Tavern common room died.