#Omniweb mac os x panther movie
With OmniWeb, you can build shortcuts to any searchable website, like Google or the Internet Movie Database. Maybe you're in a tiramisu recipefinding contest! Um, or maybe you just need to find a stock quote or DVD review. Sometimes you just need to search a particular website on the fly.

We know what it's like to be working away when all of a sudden, it pops in your head: WHO WAS THAT GUY IN THE MOVIE ABOUT THE THING? You need to know, stat. And when you have a whole boatload of pages in one window, you can change to a list mode so you don't have to scroll. You can quickly switch back and forth between them, change their position in the drawer, create new tabs on the fly, and even drag and drop tabs from one window to another. In your tab drawer, thumbnail graphics make it a breeze to identify several web pages at once. Because hey no one wants to open the wrong page in front of their boss.

When you're viewing a bunch of web pages in a single window, you need to be able to differentiate between them easily. OmniWeb puts you in charge of your browsing experience rather than viewing you as a source of personal information and advertising revenue, as some other browsers do. More than just a pretty face, OmniWeb comes packed with cool features that make your time on the web more efficient, and more fun. OmniWeb comes with great on*screen help built right in to the application, accessible from the Help menu. OmniWeb draws on the full beauty of Mac OS X's Quartz graphics, and truly leverages the Aqua interface with drawers, sheets, customizable toolbars, and more. Omni knows this, and built the only browser that has the same level of detail. People who use and love the Mac (and Mac OS X in particular) do so because of the sum of all the little things the attention to detail that makes the Mac user experience superior.